As futuristic design electric hybrid cars are emerging in with a faster pace in the present technological and innovative era of today, the growing need for long range rechargeable batteries are also on the rise. There is a competitive race between automotive companies to come out with better result oriented solution.
Toyota, the leading Japanese vehicle manufacturer is tirelessly working on designing long range rapidly charging solid state electric vehicle batteries by the year 2022. It has a mission to provide environmental friendly EV Cars with zero carbon emission and excellent rechargeable battery solution.
Following are the Key Benefits of Using Solid State Rechargeable Car Batteries:
Solid State Batteries provide 6x times super faster charging as compared to lithium ion which normally takes about thirty minutes to recharge even with fast chargers within a range of 400 kilometers.
Solid State Batteries are designed by using solid electrolytes technology which provides large density volume energy to decrease down the separators to 3 to 4 microns with 7-fold space saving by switching materials.
An increased long-lasting battery life cycle up to ten years is a valuable beneficial feature of using non flammable solid state batteries in comparison with conventional lithium ion battery cells which are needed to be replaced after every 3 years.
There are 8 different kinds of solid state batteries namely Li-Halide, Perovskite, Li-Hydride, Nasicon, Garnet, Agry rodite, Lipon, and Lisicon.
Prior to introducing fully operational solid state battery charging EV Cars in 2022, Toyota has been promoting hydrogen fuel cell vehicles like Mirai. To fulfill its working plan, Toyota is creating a new car division by associating with companies like Denso and Aisin Seiki.
Toyota Motor Company is going to have a breakthrough by taking a large leap in electric vehicle industry by producing fast charging long range EV Car batteries for millions of next generation electric cars in coming up five to ten years.
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